This works for Microsoft Project Professional for Project Online and Project Server.
Author Profile

It’s taken me half a lifetime to realize (and more importantly accept) that I am NOT the ‘norm’ at work, at home, or in my outlook on life. I’m extraordinarily passionate about the success and happiness of my clients, family, and friends. In my professional life, I am driven to continuously learn and apply new tools and techniques to benefit my clients and consulting practice. I am motivated to ‘eat my own dogfood’, leveraging Microsoft Project Server/Project Online/O365 and Microsoft Teams to manage my own projects and the projects for my customers… because it’s the best dogfood! LOL
My professional career started in 1985 with the US Navy; 6 years later, the military, my shipmates and the people I met around the world helped forge a foundation of pride, quality and tenacity. I’ve built upon that foundation to unwittingly develop expertise in Enterprise Resource Capacity Planning as though it was part of the ‘master plan’. Since the Navy, my career has spanned from website design, marketing, SEO, loyalty marketing, business/systems analysis, software development (SQL, JAVA, HTML, Cold Fusion, PHP, ASP.NET), and, presently, to Project, Program and Portfolio Management. This variety of experience gives me the insight of how almost every role in an organization works and communicates; further, I understand their obstacles and goals. This solid foundation and breadth of experience is what differentiates me from the average consultant and allows me to have candid and realistic conversations with my customers to help them navigate (Navy term LOL) their future successes.
At home, I’m known as the ‘Disney Dad’ by my friends and neighbors due to my relentless quest for new, fun things to do with my daughter. Whether it’s Pokemon Go, origami, DIY American Ninja in our pool, or trips to the zoo, we’re always adventuring together. My daughter and I eagerly plan our yearly road trips months in advance (yes, she loves project management too!), and we enjoy seeing new places.